SAVE up to €13,400 per year by Working from Home in a Steeltech Home Office

Expense Yearly Cost
Daily Coffee (€2.95) & Lunch (€5.95) €2,000
Transport – Average commute of 29km each way at 26c per/km or public Transport €4,100
Time Commuting: 27 mins to and from work at Minimum Wage €2,300
Modest City Centre Office: €100 p/w €5,000

Working from home has rapidly gained popularity in recent years. Nearly half of Irish workers now spend at least one day a month working away from the office!

At Steeltech, we see people who want to work from home for all sorts of reasons, and in the last few years we’ve noticed a sharp rise in web-based jobs. And of course, a garden office is first choice for many self employed people.

You might be spending most of your time working alone, but the chances are there will be occasions when you have to receive clients. When this situation arises, no matter how small your business is, you will want to appear professional and efficient.

Having an office at home works extremely well as long as the home office is a dedicated space. Squeezing your desk into a corner of the spare room that’s part office, part bedroom and part laundry room just doesn’t work!

A garden office is the ideal solution.

You need a quiet space, with no distractions to make a success of working at home. Working from a room in your house, it’s very difficult not to get distracted.

For the last twenty years, Steeltech has been building top quality garden rooms, using only the finest quality steel and top of the range Kingspan insulation. Talk to an expert on garden rooms in any of our 22 branches nationwide and we will help you to design a working environment that’s the perfect fit for you. We look after everything for you, so that in under a week, you can be sitting at your desk in your own office in your own back garden. All you have to do is organise the files!

A great home office doesn’t just look good outside, it looks great in your garden. We offer a wide range of colours and finishes including Woodgrain effect that will fit in well with a lot of different garden styles. And that immaculate finish is there to stay…Steeltech Home Offices need minimum maintenance and come with a 20 year guarantee.


A Steeltech office adds value to your home and saves you a huge amount of money!

I take real pride in knowing that our garden office is a sound investment in your own future, since it can add real value to your home.

And working from home can also save you some serious money: a €2.95 daily coffee from a coffee shop together with a €5.95 lunch will cost you over €2000 a year, every year! Now there’s a hidden expense many people just don’t think about.

With your home office, you can just nip across to your own kitchen and make a sandwich!

There is also the cost of running a car or using public transport. The average cost to operate a car comes in at 28c per kilometre with the average commute of 29 km each way – That’s a further saving of €4,100 per year.

Value your time:

A worker will spend on average 27 minutes commuting to work and another 27 mins home each day – That hour a day at minimum wage of €9.25 is €46 per week or the equivalent of €2,300 per year.

The savings are really racking up now, and when you add in a further €100 a week for any modest city centre office, you have another €5,000 saving.




10 second commute!

Irish workers are spending an increasing chunk of our time commuting to work and traffic congestion is getting worse every year.

That wasted time could be spent with the ones who matter most, your loved ones.

I don’t know what the traffic management solution for the country is, but for the individual, our garden office solves the problem. You can get ready in the morning, walk out your back door and not hours, not minutes, but seconds later, you’re at work!

Tips for working at home:

We have sold Steeltech home offices to a great number of people over the last 20 years and I’m always interested to know what works for them.

Here are some of the tips they have shared:

  • Be disciplined. It’s a huge advantage having the flexibility to fit in elements of your personal life into your day, like collecting children or taking in the washing because it’s started to rain. But be careful about letting the boundaries slip.
  • Create a proper office atmosphere with professional office equipment and furniture. It doesn’t just look professional, it will avoid repetitive stress injuries or a bad back.
  • Dress for work at home just as smartly as if you were going into a busy work space. It helps to keep you focussed. Remind yourself that you work from home, not at home.
  • Organise your time so you don’t spend more time working. This is a trap some people fall into especially when they start working from home first. Decide on your working hours and stick to it.
  • Choose warm, natural colours like caramel and soft green to create a calm working environment.
  • Keep paperwork filed and leave your desk as clear as you would if your boss or a top client was about to walk in! It helps to make sure you have enough shelving for files.

If you’ve been thinking about a home office and you’re wondering how it would work for you, call into your nearest showroom and let’s see what we can do for you.

For more information on our home office range, click here.

All the best,